Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/56

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“I want to express to you and the War Relief Fund my profound gratitude for the help you extended to me in my distress. This aid has opened to me a new spiritual life which I wish to understand better and to follow. Thank you with all my heart for having shown me this life-giving truth.”

“It is with a heart full of gratitude that I offer my thanks to you in this letter. . . . I dare not think what would have become of me during these hard times with my poor means of subsistence. . . . On Saturday you brought me the sum of 150 francs from your fund to make provision of coal for the winter. . . . Thanks also for Le Héraut and above all, thanks for the textbook by Mrs. Eddy. This book is truly spiritual food for all my family.”

“The aid which I particularly have received from the War Relief Committee has been a great help and encouragement to me during the trying period we have been passing through. Eighteen months ago I was utterly ignorant of Christian Science. I owe to it my physical and moral restoration. It gave me health and strength on my hospital bed where death awaited me in August, 1916. Through it I now desire to live. It is sustaining me today in every difficult problem.

“Therefore, it is with all my heart that I desire to contribute to this work which has become dear to me through having received so many of its benefits.”


It was largely through the initiative of Christian Scientists in Florence that a War Relief Committee was organized in Italy after the entry of that country into the world struggle.

The Christian Science Society of Florence holds its services and maintains a Reading Room in a substantial building on the Via Delia Spada just across the street from the famous Strozzi palace. On the third