Page:Christian Science versus Pantheism.djvu/95

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Himself, the true nature of Love intact and eternal. Divine metaphysics concedes no origin or causation apart from God. It accords all to God, Spirit, and His infinite manifestations of love — man and the universe.

In the first chapter of Genesis, matter, sin, disease, and death enter not into the category of creation or consciousness. Minus this spiritual understanding of Scripture, of God and His creation, neither philosophy, nature, nor grace can give man the true idea of God — divine Love — sufficiently to fulfil the First Commandment.

The Latin omni, which signifies all, used as an English prefix to the words potence, presence, science, signifies all-power, all-presence, all-science. Use these words to define God, and nothing is left to consciousness but Love, without beginning and without end, even the forever I am, and All, than which there is naught else. Thus we have Scriptural authority for divine metaphysics — spiritual man and the universe coexistent with God. No other logical conclusion can be drawn from the premises, and no other scientific proposition can be Christianly entertained.

Love One Another

Here we proceed to another Scriptural passage which serves to confirm Christian Science. Christ Jesus saith, “A new commandment I give unto you. That ye love one another; as I have loved you.” It is obvious that he called his disciples' special attention to his new commandment. And wherefore? Because it emphasizes the