Abbott, Lyman, 23.
America: political changes in, 10-15; schools in, 11-14.
Americanization, 149, 152.
Anglican Church, 51.
Apostles, given authority by Jesus, 76f.
Apostolic succession, doctrine of, 51.
Applied Christianity, 155 f.
Arianism, 113.
Arminianism, 51 f.
Art, decline in, 10.
Atonement, 117-136: liberal theories of, based upon a light view of sin, 119; Christian view of, scorned by liberalism, 119f., 160; Christian view of, criticized on the ground that it makes salvation depend on history, 120-122, that it limits salvation, 122-125, that it involves transference of guilt from one person to another, 125-129, that it involves a low view of the love of God, 129-135; Christian doctrine of, necessity of earnest devotion to, 175f.; atonement was made by God Himself, 132.
Authority: the seat of, 75-79; of Jesus, not really accepted by liberalism, 76-78.
Bengel, 139.
Bible, the: Christian and liberal views of, contrasted, 69-79; reiterates the presuppositions of the gospel, 69; contains an account of a redeeming event, 69-72; forms the basis for the creeds, 163, 165.
Bolshevism, 150f.
Bousset, 82.
Brotherhood, 18f.; Christian and liberal views of, contrasted, 157f.
Bunyan, John, 46.
Burton, E. D ., 144.
Calvin, 45.
Calvinism, 51.
Cause, idea of, 101.
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 33.
Chester Presbytery, address delivered before Ruling Elders’ Association of, vii.
Chiliasm, 49.
Christianity: modern presumption against, 4; relation of, to science, 4-7; is it a life as distinguished from a doctrine, 19-53; fundamental nature of, determined by its beginnings, 20-45; was at its inception a life founded upon a message, 21; cannot be treated as a mere means to an end, 151f.; social aspects of, 152-156.
Church, the: responsibility of, 124 f.; Christian and liberal views of, contrasted, 157-180; has admitted non-Christian men into teaching agencies, 159f.; need for division in, 160-