Gospel, meaning of the word, 121.
Gospels, the: present Jesus as a supernatural Person, 98f.; are primary sources of information, 80.
Grace of God, the, according to Paul, 24f.
Guilt, alleged impossibility of removal of, by one person’s suffering instead of another, 125f.
Healing, Jesus’ works of, 107f.
Heaven: the Christian hope of, 147f.; neglect of, in the liberal program, 148-151.
Heitmiiller, 33, 82.
Hellenistic age, the, 123. History: salvation dependent upon, 70-72, 120-122; confirmed by experience, 122.
History and Faith, 28, 70, 99, 106, 121.
Holy Spirit, the: produces the consciousness of sin, 67f.; applies the redeeming work of Christ to the individual, 136-141; the work of, in sanctification, 146f.
Honesty, 111f., 162-172.
Hope, place of, in the Christian life, 147f.
Humanity of Christ, 114.
Hymns, dealing with the Cross, 126-128.
Idealism, 1OOf.
India, 151.
Individualism, 11, 152f.
Industrial relations, 149f.
Industrialism, 3, 155.
Inquisition, the, 14.
Inspiration of the Bible, 72-79.
Inventions, modern, 3.
Iowa, school law in, 12.
James, Epistle of, 146.
Japan, 151.
Jerusalem Church, the early: was based upon doctrine, 26-29; stood in a religious relation to Jesus, 82f.; relation of, to Paul, 26f., 82f., 97f.; regarded Jesus as a supernatural Person, 97f.
Jesus Christ: Christian and liberal views of, contrasted, 80-116; historicity of, important for Christianity, 5; teaching of, involves doctrine, 29-38; teaching of, about the Kingdom of God, 31f.; teaching of, about the work of redemption, 32f.; Messianic consciousness of, 33-39, 78, 83-87, 116; ethical teaching of, 35-38; was the object of faith during His earthly ministry, 38f.; historicity of, 40, 106f.; resurrection of, 28f., 39-41, 108f., 135 f.; return of, 48-50; is not the only source of our knowledge of God, 55f.; was a theist, 56f.; teaching of, about the fatherhood of God, 58-62; authority of, not really accepted by liberalism, 76-78; was the object of faith for Paul and for the early Jerusalem Church, 81-83, 90f.; imitation of, according to Paul, 81f.; was represented by Himself as the object of faith, 83f.; was not a Christian, 8592; had a religion, 91 f.; is our example, 92-94; if He is only an example, is not a perfect example, 94f.; was a supernatural Person, 96-109; virgin birth of, 108f.; deity of, according to liberalism, 109-112; deity of, according to Christianity, 112-116; humanity of, 114; the two natures of, 114-116; atoning death of, 117-136; has given to believers a new life, 136.
John, Gospel according to, 114.
Johnson, William Hallock, 1.
Joy in religion, how attained, 132-135.
Judaizers, the, 22-25, 82f., 98.
Justice of God, the, 129-131.
Justification by faith, 141-145.