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Personality, modern contraction of, 10f.
Phillimore, 123.
Pietists, the, 9.
Pilgrim’s Progress, 46.
Plenary inspiration, doctrine of, 72-76.
Poetry, decline in, 10.
Polemics, need of, 173f.
“Practical” knowledge of God, according to liberalism, 56f. Pragmatism, 23.
Premillennialism, 48-50.
Presbyterian, The, vii, 76, 118, 126.
Presbyterian Church, the, 175; constitutional questions in, 162f. Presuppositions of the gospel, 54-68.
Princeton Theological Review, vii, 28, 33.
Prodigal Son, parable of the, 60.
Protestant Episcopal Church, the, 170.
Providence, to be distinguished from creation, 99-102. Psychology, 6, 13.

Rapid Survey of the Literature and History of New Testament Times, A, 29, 42.
Reformation, the, 143f.
Reformed churches, the, 50f.
Reformed theology, the, 51f.
Regeneration, 136-141 .
Religion, often regarded as a mere means to an end, 148-152. Resurrection of Christ, the, 108f.; was at the foundation of the Church, 28f.; is necessary for our relation to Him, 39-41, 135f.
Return of Christ, the, 48-50.
Robinson, Harold McA., 150.
Roman Catholic Church, the, 52, 160f.

Schools: state control of, 11-14, 176; community control of, 154; faults of, 176.
Science: progress of, 2f.; relation of, to Christianity, 4-7.
Sacraments, the, doctrine of, 50f.
Salvation: Christian and liberal views of, contrasted, 117-156.
Sanctification, 145-147.
Seminaries, theological, 17.
Septuagint, the, 97.
Sermon on the Mount, the, 3538, 60, 78.
Sin: consciousness of, 64-68; no consciousness of, in Jesus, 87-89; consciousness of, necessary for an acceptance of the miracles, 105f.; conquest of, by Jesus, 104-106; light view of, at the basis of modern theories of the atonement, 119, 129-131; necessity of atonement for, 129-136; modern methods of overcoming, 136-138; continued battle against, in the Christian life, 145-147.
Sinlessness of Jesus, wavering attitude of liberalism toward, 87-89.
Social aspects of Christianity, 152-156.
“Social gospel,” the, 152.
Socialism, 10.
Society, how is it to be transformed, 154-156.
Socrates, 8.
State, the, place of recognized by Christianity, 154f. (see also Schools and Education).
Stoics, the, 47f.
Supernatural, the: definition of, 99-102; cannot be separated from the rest of the Gospel account of Jesus, 106f. (see also Miracles).
Syncretism, 123.
Synoptic Gospels, the, attest deity of Christ, 114.

Theism, 55-58, 62f., 99-102, 110f.
Theology: place of, in our relation to Jesus, 39-47; of the historical creeds, 45f. (see also Doctrine and Creeds).