Page:Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet Volume II.djvu/11

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Influence of the Catholic Missions of the Middle Ages upon European Civilisation.—Origin of the Lama Hierarchy and the Ceremonies, of the Buddhist Faith.—Vasco de Gama doubles the Cape of Good Hope.—Portuguese Establishment on the Coast of Malabar.—First Conquests of the Portuguese as related by a Syrian Monk.—The Portuguese undertake the Discovery of the Cathay of Marco Polo.—They land at Canton.—Embassy of Thomas Pirès to Pekin.—Deplorable Issue of the Undertaking.—François Xavier resolves to convert the Chinese to Christianity.—After many adverse Accidents he reaches the Isle of Sancian.—Death of St. François Xavier in sight of China.—Gaspard de la Croix, the first Missionary who penetrated into the Celestial Empire.—Commercial Relations of the Portuguese and Chinese.—Establishment of Macao.—Father Roger.—Father Matthieu Ricci.—First Mission in the Province of Kouang-Si

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The Missionaries are forced to abandon Tchao-King.—Return to Macao.—New and fruitless Efforts to re-enter the Empire.—The Viceroy recalls Fathers Roger and Ricci to Tchao-King.—Grant of Land to build a House and Church.—Buddhist Towers.—Pagodas.—Success and Hopes of the Missionaries.—Erection of a Chapel Preludes to preaching the Gospel.—A dying Man baptized.—Interpretation of Christian Charity by Letters.—Success and Persecution.—Ricci applies himself to the Sciences and Letters.—Singular Map of the World in the Chinese Taste.—Completion of the Church.—Attempt at a Spanish Embassy to Pekin.—Two more Missionaries in the Interior.—Journey of Father Roger to Han-Tcheou-Fou.—Chinese Alchemists.—Rascality of the Neophyte Martin.—His Judgment.—Fresh Persecution.—Peace returns.—Fête of old Men.—Memorial against the Europeans.—Defence of Father Ricci.—His Popularity.—Solemn Visit of the Imperial Commissioner to the Mission of Tchao-King

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