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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/109

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Item the xxij. day of Marche was Pame sonday, and as that daye [were] put into the Fleete dyvers gentylmen, as sir Antoni Browne, M. (blank) sargant of the lawe, wyth dyvers other, for herynge of masse in my lady Mary's curte at sent Jones[1] and was there.

Item the xxiiij. day of the same monyth after was the grattes besyde the hye alter in Powlles closyd up, that the pepulle shulde not loke in at the tyme of the comunyone tyme, and the vayle hongyd up. And the xxviij. day after as Ester evyne, and then was the tabulle remevyd, and sette benethe at the vayele northe and sowthe; and on Ester day the dene, then beynge Wyllyam Maye, dyd mynys ter hym-selfe.

Item this yere was sene in the Lent besyde Martyn abbe[2] many men in harnes syttynge in the eyere, and soo came downe agayne un-to the grownde and vadyd awaye agayne, and also in dyvers other places. And also abowte Ester was sene in Sussex three sonnes shenynge at one tyme in the eyer, that thei cowde not dysserne wych shulde be the very sonne.

Item the xxvth day of May, wych was the monday after Trenyte sonday, was gret erthqwakes[3] in dyvers places, as abowte Crowydyn and in that towne and dyvers other townes there by, as at Rygate, and many other places abowte, and also at Westmyster and dyvers other places in London, and abowte there.

Item in June after went inbassators into France the erle[4] of Northehamtone and the byshoppe of Ely[5] wyth dyvers other, and was goodly resevyd there with processione, crossys, and sensynge, with alle the holé orders of relygious persons that be there, with the universites scolles, and solome masse songe before them or they came unto the kynges presens, and had there grett. chere. And after that came into Ynglonde dyvers lorddes of France with a cardnalle, and came to Rye the iiij. day of July, and soo unto London, and was not resevyd. And before their comynge into London

  1. St. John's at Clerkenwell.
  2. Merton priory in Surrey is meant.
  3. See Machyn's Diary, p. 6.
  4. Road marquess.
  5. Thomas Goodrich.