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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/133

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Item the xxiij. of the same monyth came in the cardnalle Powle by watter, and soo came unto the corte at Whythalle; and in the myddes of the brygge the kynge mette hym, and soo eche other salute other goodly and reverently; and soo wente in unto the qwene, and soo she mett them at hare gret chamber, and she salutyd hym; and there they talkyd a whylle, and he departyd un-to the place at Lambyth the wyche was preparyd for hym.

Item the xxv. day of the same monyth was sent Kateryns day, and that day was the play at the corte gatte of the cane: in the wych the kynge with alle the lordes and soch as plesyd hym came from Dyrraham place[1] goodly aparelde unto the place, and there playd, and havyng their targattes on their sholderes; and thankys be to God that there was no harme done there.

Item the xxviij. day of the same monyth was a sermon in the qwere of Powlles, and Te Deum songe, with a generall procession;[2] and the byshoppe in hys myter and dyvers other byshoppes in their abbettes; the mayer [and] aldermene in their scarlett with their clokys, and alle the crafttes in their best aparelle; and the nexte day was procession in every parich in Londone with Te Deum.

Item that same day at afternone came the cardnalle un-to the corte, and shoyd hys mynde unto the kynge and qwene and the councelle, with dyvers of the parlament howse, and soo departyd to Lambyth agayn.

Item the ij. day of December after was the furst sonday of Advent, and that day the sayd cardnalle came unto Powlles, and there was reseved of the byshoppe of London and the byshoppe of Wynchester, then beynge chaunsler of Yngland, at the church dore, and alle the parich churches of the dioses of London, parsons, vicars, and curattes, in their coppys, with their clarkes holdynge thier crosses with their banneres.

Item the xvij. of the same monyth came in the prince of [Piedmont[3] at after-none by watter, and soo to the cortte.

  1. Durham place in the Starnd.
  2. In thanksgiving for "the queen's quickening:" see notes to Machyn, p. 341.
  3. See Machyn, pp. 79, 341. Emanuel Philibert prince of Piedmont, and duke of Savoy,had been the first person elected into the order of the garter in the reign of queen Mary. He was cousin german to king Philip by their mothers, and it was contemplated that he should marry the princess Elizabeth. See Tytler's Edward VI. and Mary, ii. 448 et seq.