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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/137

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thether was send by the cownselle the lord John Wyllyams with dyvers others to see the execucion done.

Item the xxviij. day of the same monyth was Newgatte a fyer; but, thangkes be to God, that there was but lyttyll harme done, for it was sone qwenched.

[The . . .] day of May was (blank) ware hongyd, draune and qwarterd . . . .

Item the xviij. day of the same monyth was captayne Taunton drawne from the tow[er to Tybo]rne, and there hongyd and qwarterd.

Item this tyme was dyvers burnyd in Smythfelde [for he]rysy.

Item the viij. day of June was draune from the tower of London unto Tyborne [Throg]mortone, Wooddalle, Stantone, Bedelle, Rosselle, and Darrelle, ware hongyd, hedyd, [and] qwarterd for robery and tresone.[1]

Item the viij. day of June was hongyd at Towre-hylle master [Pec]kams sone and Danyell for gret robery.[2]

Item the x. day of the same monyth was a yonge man hongyd within Brydewelle for robery within the sayd howse.

Item in the same monyth [be]gane the procession in every church, that the chylderne with their parents shuld goo monday, wedysday, fryday, and sondayes with their bokes in their bondes or beddes[3] every person, and one of a howse, on payne of forfettynge of xijd. at every tyme. And the churchwardens with other too that be shsyne[4] by the hole paryche; and yf that they doo not loke substancially apon it that then they to forfett ij. s. and the sayd mony to be bestoyd on the church at the discrecion of the sayd commyssinores; but it was but lyttyll lokyd apone, and the more pytté.

Item the xviij. day of August the mayer[5] dynned at the rederes [6] denner at the Tempulle, and at after-none whane he was goynge the

  1. See Machyn's Diary, pp. 102, 105, and notes, pp. 348, 349.
  2. See Machyn, pp. 109, 351.
  3. beads.
  4. chosen.
  5. Sir John Lyons.
  6. The reader.