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not suffer hym to be drawne owte on the sonday, for the reverens of the holy sonday, and soo thus the false Jue perished and dyde therein.

livo. Ao. Thys yere this kynge Henry the thirde dyde, and ys burryd at Westmynster on sent Edwardes daye the marter.


And then beganne the rayne of hys sonne kynge Edward the furst, that was callyd kinge Edward with the longshangkes.

xxvo. Ao. Thys yere kynge Edward toke the castelle of Eddynbrow, the cheffe regalles in Scotlond, his crowne and hys cepter, and browte it to Westmyster, and offerd it un to sent Edwarde, the morrow after sent Bothols day, the yere of our lorde Ml.cc.iiijxx.xvijo.

xxxijo. Ao. This yere the order of the Templers ware dystroyd thorowte alle cristyndome in one daye.

xxxvo. Ao. Thys yere dyde kynge Edward the furst, and is burryd at Westmyster.


And here beganne the rayne of kynge Edwarde the second, that was borne at Carnarvan, and is called Edward of Carnarvan.

ixo. Ao. Thys yere a bushelle of wett was at five shillings.

xixo. Ao. Thys yere dyde kynge Edward Carnarvan, the wych marryd the eyer of France, by the wych qwene the flower de lyce came in to the armes of Yenglond, and the tyttyll of France; the wych kynge lyeth burryd at Glosceter.


And here begynnyth the rayne of kynge Edward the third, borne at Wynsore, the yere of our Lorde 1327.

iijo. Ao. Thys yere was Roger Mortemer erle of March hangyd and drawne at Tyborne for treson.