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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/46

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xlio. Ao. Thys yere was the kynge of Spayne tane by the prince, and the erle of Dene[1] and . . aythn Claykyne[2] ware taken. And this yere was the iij. great pestelens.

xliijo. Ao. Thys yere was a grete warre in France by sir Roberte Knowlles knyght.

xliiijo. Ao. Thys yere was a grete dere yere.

xlvijo. Ao. Thys yere was one John Norwelde mercer of London slayne at Blackehethe at a wrestlynge.

ljo. Ao. Thys yere was John Mysterworth drawne and hangyd. And this yere dyde kyng Edwarde, and is burryd at Westmyster.


And here beganne the rayne of kynge Richard the ijde, sonne unto kyng Edward the iijde.

ijo. Ao. Thys yere one Hall a sawere[3] of the kynges was slayne in Westmyster church, and Sakke hys fellow was arestyd and put in to the towere of London by sir Alyne Buxhylle constabulle of the tower and by sir Raffe Ferres by fore the erle of Dene.[4]

iiij°. A°. Thys yere came iiij. galys to Gravysende, and brent a parte of the towne. And this same yere, on corpus Christi daye, was the rysynge of Kent and Essex, and they ware callyd Jake Strawes men, and came to London, and brent the Savoy and a parsell of sent Jones at Clarkenwell, and went to the tower of London, and there toke owte sir Simond Beuerle[5] archebyshoppe of Cantorbury and chaunsler of Yenglond, Robert Halys prior of sent Jones, freer William Appultone a gray freer, and dyvers other, and beheddyd them at the towere hyll, and slew manny Flemynges and

  1. The count de Dene, a noble Spaniard, at the battle of Najara.
  2. Sir Bertram de Claicon, a Norman. (Fabyan.)
  3. Sewer? or Squire?
  4. This affair had to do with the count de Dene the Spanish prisoner before mentioned: see the facts related by Mr. Beltz in his memoir of Sir Alan Buxhull, K.G., in Memorials of the Garter, p. 190.
  5. An error for Sudbury.