made in sent Gylles felde, and five of them ware brent, the kynge lyinge at sent Jones.[1]
ijo. Ao Thys yere the kynge wanne Harflew in Normandy. And this yere Richard Gurmon,[2] French baker of Lumberstreth, was brent in Smythfelde. And this yere was the kynges grete worke begonne at Shene. And this yere the kynge toke his viage towarde Normandy, and rode thorow the citte of London unto Sowthhamtone the xviij. day of June, and there he abode, his Stoffe, and hys company. And the v. daye of August nexte ware put to deth at Hamton sir Richard of Yorke erle of Chambrych, the lorde Scroppe, and sir Thomas Grey knyght, for treson, imagenynge the kynges deth. And in this tyme was one Claydon[3] skenner brente in Smythfelde the xth. day of September. And the morrow after sent Laurens day the kynge with hys pepulle sheppyd at Porchemowth, and he landyd at Kedecause, three myle owte of Harflew, on our lady day the Assumpcion. And the kynge layd hys sege fro that daye unto the xxij. daye of September or the towne ware yelded up. And in that whyle there dyde manny of hys pepull, as the erle of Surye,[4] the byshope of Norwyche,[5] sir John Phylpot, and many other knyghttes and sqweeres, and a grete many of the comyn pepulle. And then the towne and castelle was yeldyd up unto the kynge with the keyes, and the kynge made the lord Bewforde[6] that was erle of Worseter captayne. And thene the kyng toke [his] waye towerd Callys with viij.Mlfyghtynge men. And the xxv. day of October on sent Crispians day the lordes and chevaltre of France layd with xxvj. Ml1. men, and wolde have stoppyd the kynges waye, that he shulde not passe to Callys. And the kynge with his host batellyd with them manfully, and fowght with theme
- ↑ The priory of St. John's at Clerkenwell.
- ↑ Turmyne, a heretic. Chron. Lond. (Nicolas).
- ↑ John Claydon. (Ibid.)
- ↑ Thomas Arundel, more commonly called earl of Arundel; he returned home sick of the dysentery, and died at his own castle of Arundel, on the 13th of Oct. 1415.
- ↑ Richard Courtenay bishop of Norwich died at the siege of Harfleur, 20 Sept. 1415.
- ↑ Richard Beauchamp lord Abergavenny, afterwards earl of Worcester.