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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/64

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iijo. Ao. This yere in August the erle of Richmond with the erle of Pembroke that long hade bene banyshed, came into Ynglond, and the other gentylmen that flede into France, [and] made a felde besyde Leyceter, and the kynge there slayne.

Henricus Septimus Rex.

And the erle of Richmond was crownyd kynge, and was callyd Henre the Seventh, the xxx. day of October; and abowte Candelmas marryd kynge Edwardes eldest dougter. And this yere in September dyde Thomas Hylle [the mayor], and for hyme was chosyn William Stocker, and he dyde the third day after and thane was chosyn John Warde, and he occopyed tyll Myhylmas.

Pio. Ao. Thys yere was a gret dethe and hasty, callyd swettyng sykenes. And the crosse in Chepe new made. And a grete taske and a disme grauntyd. And a bushylle of bay salte at iijs. iiijd.

ijo. Ao. Thys yere the qwene was crownyd. And the erle of Lyncolne and the lord Lovell and one Martyn Swarte a stranger all ware slayne in a felde that they made agaynst the kynge at Newarke.

iijo. Ao. Thys yere prince Arture was borne at Wenchester. And this yere the kynge went un to Bullen.

iiijo.Ao. Thys yere the kynge sent many knyghttes in to Bretayne with the number of vij. Ml. men to defende the two ladys that ware ayeres to the lond. And the erle of Nortumberlond slayne in the North. And the cape of mayntenans browte from Rome.