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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/73

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with every places of relegione in their best coppis, clarkes and prestes, and so went from Pawlles uppe to Ledyne hall, and downe Grascherch and to sent Mangylles, and all Temstrete; and uppe at Doggate, and uppe Watlyngstrete, and soo to Pawlles west dore, there the cardnalle with dyvers byshoppes and abbottes in their mytteres; and soo came in to Pawlles to the hye autter, and there sange Te Deum for the sewer tydynges that was come of this beforesayd.

And a bushylle of baye salte solde for iiij s. viij d.

xvijo. Ao. Thys yere beganne the cardnalle Wolsey to enter hys visitacione amonge the iiij. cl . . . and on Alsolne day doctor Allyn beganne in the Gray freeres at afternone.

And in thys yere begane the golde to ryse, as the angell nobyll at vij s. and in November after it was made vij s. vj d.; and here begane a derth of corne.

xviijo. Ao. Thys yere was moch a doo in the yelde-halle for the mayer, for the comyns wold not have had Semer, for be cause of yell May day.[1] And also whane the shereffe shulde be chosyn for the comyns they chose (blank), but he wold not take it, and soo it stode voyed tyll it was Myhylmas daye, and then master Lambert toke it.

Also this same yere doctor Barnes[2] the Austyne freer, two Esterlynges, and two other men shulde a stonde at Powlles crosse at the sermonde with faggottes and tapers, but for because of rayne they stode on the hye scaffolde within the church, and the byshoppe of Rochester Fycher dyd preche; this was the xvj. day of February, and then Barnes was delyveryd home to prisone, but he brake aways from them and went beyend see unto Luter.

And the vj. day of October was a gret rayne all the nyght and all the daye unto vj. a cloke at nyghte, and then was gret lytnynge and thunder and haylle.

And this yere was a gret derth in London for brede, that dyvers persons both men and women ware hurte at the carttes. And moch

  1. Thomas Semer had been sheriff when the riot occurred recorded in p. 30.
  2. Robert Barnes, prior of St. Augustine's at Cambridge, afterwards burnt in 1540.