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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/75

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And this yere in June two legattes satt at the Blacke freeres for the kynges marryge; and in October the cardnalle was deprived of the chanslercheppe.

xxjo. Ao. Thys yere at mydsomer was a goodly wache and two goodly pagenttes in Cheppe-syde at Soper lane ende.

And this yere was the emperor crowned at Bonony.

xxijo. Ao. Thys yere was moche a doo for chesynge of the shreffe; the comyns wolde have had Amadas, but he wolde not take it; and at the last on Myhylmas evyn was chosyn Richard Choppyne chandler, and there by and by toke his hothe in the yelde halle and soo went to Westmyster.

And this yere was gret wyndes and fluddes that dyde moch harme both a thys syde the see and beyende the see.

The xj. day of May the challons of Esyngspettylle[1] was put owte.

Also this yere was a coke boylyd in a cauderne in Smythfeld for he wolde a powsynd the byshoppe of Rochester Fycher with dyvers of hys servanttes,[2] and he was lockyd in a chayne and pullyd up and downe with a gybbyt at dyvers tymes tyll he was dede.

And this yere dyde the cardnalle Wolsey on sent Andrewys evyn, and byrryd at Lecetter.

xxiijo. Ao. This yere was a chauntery prest of sent Andrewys at Baynyscastell the vth day of July was hongyd at Towre hylle, and drawne from Newgatt, for cleppyng of golde.

And also this yere was William Baynard a man of lawe and too mo with hym, burnyd in Smythfelde for errysee, in May.

And this yere was the challons of Crystes church put owte of there place[3] unto dyvers other places, and the place gevyn un to the lorde chauncelor Thomas Audle.

And this yere was a purser[4] at sent Martyns gate burnyd in Smyth felde for eryssye.

Also the sacrament at sent Buttelles at Aldersgate on Good fryday in the mornynge was stolen oute at the est wyndow, and iij. osttes

  1. The Augustinian canons of Elsyng spital.
  2. See Additional Notes.
  3. The priory of Christ's Church within Aldgate; see note in p. 61.
  4. A purse-maker.