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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/82

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Also this same yere the xxij. day of May was burnyd in Smythfelde freer John Forrest of Grenewyche, and a rode that came owte of Wallys callyd Delvergaddar.[1]

Also the vij. day of August was put to deth Willyam Conysby gentleman.[2]

And the ij. day of September was put to deth master Clefforde.[3]

And the furst sonday of September was hongyd at Clarkenwell at the wrestlynge place the hongman that was before, and ij. with hym, for stelynge in Bartylmew fayer.

xxxo. Ao. Thys yere the xxij. day of November was one Lambert, other wysse callyd Nicolas,[4] was burnyd in Smythfelde for gret eryse.

And the xxix. of November was burnyd in Smythfelde John Mattessey a Docheman, Peter Franke and hys wyffe, for erryse.

And this yere in December was beheddyd at the Towre-hyll lorde Henry markes of Exceter, lorde Henry Montegew,[5] and sir Edward Nevelle.

Also this yere was alle the placys of relygione within the citte of London subprest in November.

Also this yere the xxiij. day of December was burnyd in Smythfelde Richard Turner wever, and Peter Florens bocher.

Also the iij. day of March [1539] was be-heddyd at Towre-hyll sir Nicolas Carrow.

And the viij. day of May was the gret muster in London, that all London musterd in harnes, morys pykes, bowses,[6] hand gons, and whytt cottes, with the mayer, shreffes, and dyvers aldermen.

  1. The shrine of Darvel Gadarn was at Llandervel, co. Merioneth. On the destruction of the image see Wright's Letters on the Suppression of Monasteries, pp. 189, 208; Ellis's Letters, Third Series, letter 330; Ellis's Brand, vol. i. p. 202, edit. 1841.
  2. Stowe says, Edmond Conesby one of the grooms of the king's chamber for counter-feiting the king's seal manual.
  3. Edward Clifford gentleman for counterfeiting the king's privy signet.—Stowe.
  4. Nicholson in Stowe.
  5. Henry Pole viscount Montacute.
  6. harquebus.