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Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/85

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Item the xxviij. day of May was the counteys of Salsbery behedyd within the tower.

xxxiijo. Ao. Thys yere the x. daye of December was draune from the tower to Tyborne [Thomas] Colpeper, and there was hongyd and heddyd.

And the xiij. day of February [1542] was the qwene Kateryne and lady Rocheford be-heddyd within the tower, and there burryd.

And the xxviij. day of March there was a fraye made at the cownter in Bredstret of a sergant at harmes of the parlament howse by Robert Tomsone the yeman and Thomas Craker of the same howse for arest of Robert Taylor sergant of maysse, the wyche master shreffes ware sent for to the cowncelle, and they ware send unto the tower of London, and were there a iij. or iiij. dayes.

And the x. day of March was a mayde boyllyd in Smythfelde for poysynyng of dyvers persons.

And this yere came in the erle of Desmonde and the gret aNele, and was creatyd erle of Terone and hys sonne barone of Doncannen.

xxxiiijo. Ao. Thys yere in October [1543] was a grete skermyche in the North abowte Carlelle, and many of the Scottys lordes tane and browte to London unto the tower the xxti. day, and the nexte day ware browte unto the kynge and sworne to be trewe, and soo was ransomed and send home agayne.

And this yere was a grete pestelens in London, and Myhylmas terme remevyd un to sent Albons, and it beganne not tyll sent Martyns day the xv. day of November.

Also the iijde. day of August before was proclamyd opyn warre betweene our kynge and the Frenche kynge.

And this yere was a gret derth for wode and colles.

xxxvo. Ao. Thys yere the xxiij. day of December at none rysse a gret tempest of wynde and rayne, and contynewyd all the nyght tyll the nexte daye at viij. of the clocke, and in that tyme was moch harme on the see that lost manny sheppes of merchantes and grete men and women of Spanyarddes that ware goynge un to the emperor agay[nst] Chrystmas, and the[y] with all their goodes ware