Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/79

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made, as well in and for the said library, as the said tower of the Castle, for the safeguard, sure keeping, and good ordering of the said records and muniments from time to time; and this our order, with your particular accompts of your disbursements about the same, upon your accounts of the revenue and profits coming and growing of his Highness's said Hanaper to be made before the Barons of his Grace's Exchequer of this his said realm, shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalf. Given at Dublin, 11 Nov., in the fifth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King Edward VI.—Thomas Cusake, C, Edward, Midens, James Bath, Baron, Ralphe Bagenall, Gerald Aylmer, Justice, T. Luttrell, Justice, Thomas Howth, Justice, P. Bamewall, Master of the Rolls, Thonuts Lockwode, Dean, Edward Barsent."—5 d. R. 5.

John Parker,—Bamewall deceased,—patent, Dec. 1552.—Life,—fee 50 marks.—6 Edw. VI.—Queen Mary, by commission, on the 6 July, 1553, gives him full power and authority to execute the following instructions, annexed to the said conmission in a schedule thus intituled:—"Instructions for Master Parker, Master of the Rolls, to proceed thereafter by authority of the Commission hereunto annexed. First, he shall and may hear, examine, and take order for all matters in controversy, to be moved before him, betwixt party and party, inhabiting as well in Offalyli, Fertullaghe, Ferbill, Bermingham's Country, as in the Barony of Moyfenragh, and the Bishop his lands,