par excellence the hippodrome of the Southern Hemisphere. Who shall be the raconteur of the run for the last C u p w o n there ? " T h e Rubicon" was n o w crossed, racing was an accomplished fact, and the young province most willingly committed to periodical race meetings near its capital. T h e spirit so kindled and fanned during the last two years, burned with a steadier flame during 1840, and private matches were run in several country places. Towards the close of the year the expediency of placing the affairs of the Turf on a permanent footing, engendered a desire for the foundation of some governing body of a representative character, able and willing to assume authoritative functions. Action was promptly taken accordingly, and the result was officially promulgated by the publication of the following notice in the newspapers :— m H E
AT A MEETING Held on the 12th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1840, At Melbourne, For the purpose oi Establishing A N N U A L RACE MEETINGS In the
COUNTY OF BOURKE, With a view to the Improvement of the Breed of Horses in the Colony generally, it was resolved— 1st. That a Committee be formed, to be called "The Committee of the Port Phillip Turf Club," and that to them and the Stewards be confided the entire management and arrangement of the races. 2nd. That the races take place annually, at such time or times as the Committee shall appoint, and that the first meeting be held on the 13th, 14th and 15th April next. 3rd. That the Committee do take for their guidance and direction the rules of the Newmarket Jockey Club, as far as the same are applicable to the circumstances of the colony. 4th. That annual subscriptions and donations be received, and that a book be opened for that purpose forthwith. 5th. That all subscriptions and donations be under the direct and entire control of the Stewards, whose decision in all cases of dispute shall be final. 6th. That the following gentlemen do constitute a Committee, three to form a quorum :—•
J. D. LYON CAMPBELL, Esq. C. H. EBDEN, Esq. J. H A W D O N , Esq. H U G H JAMIESON, Esq. GEORGE B. SMYTH, Esq. WILLIAM VERNER, Esq. 7th. That the following gentlemen be requested to act as Stewards at the ensuing races :—
J. H A W D O N , Esq. G. B. SMYTH, Esq. W. VERNER, Esq. Of the members of this first Turf Club Committee not one now (1884) survives. They were all gentlemen of the highest respectability, public-spirited, and sincerely devoted to the land of their adoption. Their names appear frequently in other chapters, wherein are described movements of various kinds, with which either as regards some or all they were more or less identified. T h e entrance fee for membership was to be five guineas, with an annual payment of £2 2s. 6d., and " T h e Port Phillip Turf Club" was to be constituted on the 2nd January, 1841, all the members to be elected by ballot, the names of intending candidates to be sent to the Chairman (Mr. Verner) by the 24th December. Amongst the rules adopted was the following :—" All horses entered to race to take their ages from the 1st day of August, that is, a horse foaled any time in 1840, after the 1st day of August, will be deemed one year old on the 1st day of August, 1841."