tr&ka iti a li«elt di<»a(e> oisva.'i»eril by tt» pnblicttinh In the at U a daft %htl 6»tt«, 4ad ad tAUreit n>UI be aliotrai
of imt
I ' M wasaenjed Angoel, a jaaai Saae.t«f n»Me Jemitv, "he inland
tailon. —(id, or tie M . A .
«k* Koastau aeriira ia ie*J,*e.d was an eoslgo at the ti.o« ot iba
A Ifcsty or eotnmerc* highlf favourable to Boglmd ha .
wial. H e and bis captain bsiu happened to lite ike .ante lady, the ef a Greek earate. Caplaia T,< !img,.«.•<, under pretest of lately bsen entered into between the Brit.ah Ccnsul-Gen tklartval eiog lo>abontHiat',a.dercd biaktu receive 100 blows of eral add ibe Peruvian Government j and ha* been forward'
tkekaoai. " Everything,"says iba , rHital report, «• passed as il
ed *o London) to receive the sanction of Ministers.
•agbt, and Aagael received his paaishnseut vtlihout complaining.
Letter* fr-om Constantinople mention, that the Sultdn U
bat aeasa rinse after TKlieagecri qoutint, the service, Ansae!
c**lletig-d bun. The captain- rrfosad lofight,and soon after etertitis} himself lb form a closo alliane* with Austria.
Aeareel >it s. itad, aaakog hit way Into the ce'tain's residanee, H e has retenily tonrered otderlon the Austrian Ambasaraaed.vritk a pietol. fee this AagaelaaS tied, and, ibough all the
facts appr a red 1..1 the trial, be v>es condemned to pass ibrea timessador ShrJ hi* two eeCretafiel, and fowarded the insignia1
stealer iae rods t f ssvo Sqaadtons. H e was not espected to recover. of the highett degree to Prince M S T T S R P J I C H at Vienna.
Acrordlag to the f>w(, Anjuvl had O n l« Qiccce, where he was T h e Archduke »Ob.1 of Austria ha* reached th» Jurkisrh
staid la bare happily ar.ivad.
capital. Considerable activity I* laid to proved at il>»
British Embassy, lieceut events in Persia have attfacSIDNEY hXTUACTS.
ed much attention,
' Mr. Abraham Moses, of Manerob, ha* undertaken to
All the accounts from Italy speak of the decline of the.
ran a mail once a we.k from lUid'a Ma, Maneroo, to
Ibe Quecubcau Post Office—the eipenses being defrayed cholera ahd anticipate ill early ditappeararlce'f be beauiiltll cny of N e w Haven, in Connecticut, seem*
by a subscription raised a m o n g S o m e of the settlers in that
part of the Colon/.
T h e first null was conveyed on doomed to be destroyed by inCeudiafiem. Not a week.
'1 uesday last.
pastes without Qve or tix large rirei, purposely caused, j
A Surgeon from the Hunlef was committed to S y d n e y
goat on W e d n e s d a y las , hy M r . Justice Burton, lot ap» but by w h o m , the inhabitants have as ydt been unable to>
pearlng in the witness box tn a stale of intoviCation.
discover, Odlv one individual has been apprehended*
William Moore, « hose commitment from Maitland lo and he it only charged Withfiringhit o w n house. The)
lake his trial lor the wilful murder of his master, the late
M r John Huskins, was re-corded in one of our recent regular incendiarism continues to be be at bad at ever.
nntnberi, with the full particulars of his (alfoctoua [ttime, Tliit Crime, apparently without motive; unless it bo rewas yesterday convicted before M r . Justice Burton uport venge again*! an entire city and uaiveri'tty, it without*
the clearest testimony, and sentence of death pissed upon preced«ut in the United *late*<
him in a most impressive m.tnner, but which ha listened
tj apparently with the mist hardened indifference. Ed-
o$c> -
ward Tuft*, also convicted of the rtlordef of his truster, SAlaSfe BY AUCSTf©?*?*
the late M r . .'ohn Jones, o Turee, during a fit of phrrnxy, CHOICE DAtttY COWS.
resulting from intoiication, also received sentence of death TO BB SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTiOX,
from Ihe same learned J u d g e ! Hi* H o n o u r remarked that
B Y O . X.XLX.V,
the awful siuiation of the prisoner at the bat Wat rrtvttly O n T U E S D A Y , the 24ih April, at hitYatd, at 12 o'clock
attributable to the) indiscreet aci . f hie master, in suffering
precisely, ntileas previously disposed ol by privet* coathe indiscriminate use of intoiieuting liquor* a m o n g his
ttact, of which d u e notice will he given,
convict servants.
A small number of D A I R Y C O W S — t e v e f a i with youngAv*TR«L<at M A O A J I M B . — T h e first number of the calves *t their feet, othera springing, ana ih« remainder
Magatine received the mostflitteringcommendations from heavy in calft
the tVofttgl; yet the sr-coud, though by all comiietenl
T h e s e cow* lire particularly IniiflMe for the use of
judges acknowledge.! to he fgr superior, has been in the pritste fstoilie*—are perfectly quiet and gentle, having
Same paper condemned id the most inveterate manner, A been broken in at a large town dairy at S y d n e y . Thejcriticism by a correspondent (fie liev. Mr. S
) , li«v« been accustomed lo be uihked twice a day (either
a geutl'itisn Who, W e are in'oimed by the Colonist, is in-. with or without their calVesj and to be fed 911 brsni
tinia ely acquainted With this kind of literature, has been brewer*' grain*, freea loddef, garden ttuff, *c, in tha
published, and a few rt marks ilweon,
T o he •old in lot* to «uit pufchafett, also, a few prime
W e find in the S y d n e y Colonist, the following remarks
In a letter addressed, M y deaf Light, but no signature. ' storking bullocks, a dray, 4 c , and two excellent hacks*
O n e i'a.-agraph runs this. '-The city of Adelaide either tor laddie or harness.
T£,.M3! —
tun, I become not only the capital of Australia, bill the
cooiini-rtial metropolis of all the vast regions of N . S. for purchase* under £ 2 0 , cttsh ; £ 2 0 and upwatds, ap*
Wales, which lie u p o n the Vass, the D u m a t the M u r proved ondorted bills, payable at Melbourne or at Syd-t
funibidge, and the streams discovered by Major Mitche!
uey. tor lurther particulars enquire of
in the part of the Territory which he has denominated
G . L u i s , Col/ins-iUeet*
Ai'Siralia Kelix, " T h e Editor of l!.e Colonist jttstly
rem rks, " O u r Sooili Austr.tlit friends are soraVvtlmi
too sanguine In supposing thai the Murray ia lo be Ihe tO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION",
outlet (or ibe produce of the whole of the extensive country recently discovered by Major Milihel, A large por- BY Gs ZkULTt,
tion of tt lies belter In to port Phillip, which will, doubtA his residence on Tuesday the 24th of April, inTro**-.
less at no distnnt per oil. be life Capital uf a flourishing dioielv after Ihe Sale of Cattle.
eu'nuf, IxoKenftosisT of X . S, Wale*,
Evaract of » pnvsie letter from ¥*«a — " There is a
Children'* ditto Ladies ditto. A variety of Slays.,
iar.-e p a n y tif ti< coining together lo P. f'hil'ip amongst
Ladle* Bohueis and Caps, Lace, Ittbbuns, Vorket»
Which ia a M r . Bu'let a surveyor coming in ibe room cd
Muslin*, Painted dit'o. Cap-.-S, aiitl Collar? of vatiousMr- D Arcv," "V..|i cut have no idea of the nurnb-r o'
patleriia. Dresses, Si'k ditto, C o m b s of «li sorts, 't'bitu-p.rftple that -re cOrning ami are ab..M io rime to V. I'hillip bl-o. Smelling bottles, ArliScia)! i>"lowera, Jauelry,
Il wiH in oiy oitiniun Moon tiectneU wealthy place."
B a ch Caiullestieks, Uresaing Boi.t, and a varieijr
Ba. it of A.stral a — ! fi - Bank hat announced its intenOf Oihef articles.
tion tu |[tca >hv..N /er cent i/.terrsl onali m ;ii'v l.i.ig. d
2'i'ii.Ms, m a d t hrwnn a! ihf timt sj Salt^
SB -epoifit recnpls, fuck rsCt'p!! will he :«s.Kd pat a .!» ',