Page:Church and State under the Tudors.djvu/15

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date  page
Murder of Hun 1513 58
Case argued before the King—Henry's Speech on the Occasion 59
Unpopularity of the Clergy—Henry's Divorce affords the immediate Occasion of the Breach with Rome 60
Primâ facie Henry was right 61
Different Views of the Papal Dispensation 62
Character of Clement VII.—How Henry became a Reformer 63
Rise of the Divorce Question—Parliament 1529 64
Its important Acts—Henry's Proclamation 1530 65
Submission of the Clergy 1531 65
Important Acts—Limiting the Privilege of the Clergy 1532 66
Petition of Convocation against the Annates—Complaint of the Commons against the Clergy 1532 66
Petition of the Clergy against recent Acts—Surrender of Convocation 67
Comments of Chapuys on the Work of the Session 68
Bishop Stubbs's account of the Mediaeval Theory of Church and State 69
Henry, Pope of England—Protest and Death of Archbishop Warham—Parliament not always submissive 70
Statute of Appeals
April 5th,
1533 71
Convocation pronounces Katherine's Marriage null 71
Coronation of Anne Boleyn, June 1st—Date of her Marriage 72
Act for the Submission of the Clergy—Act against Payment of Annates—Act against Payment of Peter's Pence, &c.—The Supremacy Act 1534 73
Convocation Petitions for a Translation of Scripture—The Archbishop changes his Title 74
Act for the Oath to the Succession—Attainder of Fisher and More—Act of Supremacy 75
Made Henry Pope 77
Cromwell becomes Vicegerent—Fisher and More beheaded—Paul III. excommunicates Henry—First Visitation of the Monasteries 1535 78
Act for Review of Ecclesiastical Laws—Act for Dissolving Smaller Religious Houses—Dissolution of Parliament of 1529—New Parliament and Convocation—Fall of Anne Boleyn 78