Page:Church and State under the Tudors.djvu/18

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Publication of the Ordinal—Bishop Heath sent to the Fleet—Bishopric of Westminster dissolved—Ridley made Bishop of London 1550 122
Hooper's Contention about the Vestments—Reasonableness of Bucer and Peter Martyr—Establishment of John a Lasco's Congregation in London —Publication of Ridley's Injunctions—Deprivation of Gardiner, Heath, and Day 1551 123
Robbery of the Bishop's Lands and continued Misgovernment of the Council—General Distress and Discontent—Change of Religion not the Principal Cause 124
Execution of the Duke of Somerset—Preparation of the Forty-two Articles—Revision of the Prayer Book 125
Dispute as to the Authority of the latter—Change of Doctrine in it 126
The Homilies and the Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum—Northumberland's Conspiracy to change the Succession 127
Edward himself enters into it—Cranmer's Conduct in the matter 128
Changes in the Position of the Church in Edward's Reign—In its relation to the State far less than in Henry's—Greater Independence of Parliament 130
Great Changes in Ritual—Doctrinal Changes greater in Fact, but not in Principle, than under Henry 131
Popular Effect of Changes in Ritual greater than of any other 132



Collapse of Northumberland's Conspiracy—Mary's previous Life 134
Her short-lived Popularity—Finds herself Supreme Head—Restoration of the Deprived Bishops 136
Meeting of Parliament—Repeal of the whole of Edward's Ecclesiastical Legislation—Henry VIII.'s Ritual restored—Possible Popularity of these Changes 137
Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer sent to the Tower Spanish Marriage determined on—Its Unpopularity 138
Its Advantages and Disadvantages 139
Mary's Aim the Restoration of the Roman Church—Her Statesmen and Advisers all differ, both from herself and from each other 140
The Commons remonstrate against the Spanish Match—Sir Thomas Wyatt's Rebellion 143