behaviour hath been done and used; like also to continue and increase, unless due provision be had and made to reform the same (which earnestly in very deed we do mind and intend) to the uttermost all the ways we can possible, trusting of God's furtherance and help in that behalf.
'For these causes, and other most just considerations us moving, we send in to you certain articles of such special matter, as among other things be most necessary to be now put in execution by you and your officers, extending to the end by us desired, and the reformation aforesaid; wherein ye shall be charged with our special commandment, by these our letters, to the intent you and your officers may the more earnestly and boldly proceed thereunto, without fear of any presumption to he noted on your -part, or danger to he incurred of any such our laws, as by your doings, of that is in the said articles contained, might any wise grieve you, whatsoever he threatened in any such case; and therefore we straitly charge and command you, and your said officers, to proceed to the execution of the said articles, without all tract and delay, as ye will answer to the contrary. Given under our own signet, at our palace of Westminster, the fourth day of March, the first year of our reign.'
Here follow the articles referred to.
A commission to turn out some of the reformed bishops.
Id. p. 386.
'Regina dei gratifi, &c., perdilectis et fidelibus consiliariis suis, Stephano Wintoniensi episcopo, summo suo Angliæ cancelario, et Cuthberto Dunelmensi episcopo, necnon reverendis et dilectis sibi in Christo Edmundo Londoniensi episcopo, Roberto Assavensi episcopo, Georgio Cicestrensi episcopo, et Anthonio Landavensi episcopo salutem.
'Quia omne animi vicium tanto conspectius in se crimen habet, quanto qui peccat major habetur, et quoniam certis et indubitatis testimoniis, una cum facti notorietate et famâ publicâ referente, luculenter intelleximus et manifesto comperimus Robertum archiepiscopum Eboracensem, Robertum Menevensem, Joannem Cestrensem, et Paulum Bristoliensem episcopos, aut certe pro talibus se gerentes, Dei et animarum suarum salutis immemores, valde gravia et enormia dudum commisisse et perpetrâsse scelera atque peccata, et inter csetera quod dolenter certe, et magna cum amaritudine animre nostras proferimus, post expressam professionem castitatis, expresse, rite et legitime emissam, cum qui-