Page:Church and State under the Tudors.djvu/347

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fas divers heretofore have been) after which, he shall be installed, and be arch- bishop and or any of his heirs or successors, Kings of Emjland, for the time being, will assign and appoint for the same, according and in like manner as divers other archbishops and bishops have been heretofore, in antient time, by sundry the King's most noble progenitors, made, consecrated, and invested within this realm : and that every archbishop and bishop hereafter, being named and presented by the King's highness, his heirs or successors. Kings of England, and being consecrated and invested, as is aforesaid, shall be installed accordingly, and shall be accepted, taken, reputed, used, and obeyed, as an archbishop or bishop of bishop of the dignity, see or place whereunto he so shall be named, pre- sented, and consecrated, requireth ; and as other like prelates of that province, see, or diocese, have been used, accepted, taken, and obeyed, which have had, and obtained compleatly, their bulls, and other things requisite in that behalf from the court of Rome. And also shall fully and entirely have and enjoy all the spiritualities and temporalities of the said archbishoprick or and shall en- . f. joy all spiri- bishoprick, in as large, ample, and beneficial manner, as any of tuaiitiesaud temporali- his or their predecessors had, or enjoyed m the said arcli- ties bishoprick, or bishop rick, satisfying and yielding unto the King our sovereign lord, and to his heirs and successors. Kings of England, all such duties, rights, and interests, as before this time yielding un- had been accustomed to be paid for any such archbishoprick, ^n duties, " or bishoprick, according to the antient laws and customs of this ^^° "' realm, and the King's prerogative royal. III. And to the intent our said holy father the Pope, and and that due •^ ■■■ reward may the court of Rome, shall not think that the pains and labours be allowed 1 • • , . for the espe- taken, and hereafter to be taken, about the writing, seahng, ditionof obtaining, and other businesses sustained, and hereafter to be "' sustained, by the offices of the said court of Rome, for and about the expedition of any bulls hereafter to be obtained or had for any such archbishopi-ick, or bishoprick, shall be irremunerated, or shall not be sufficiently and condignly recompensed in that behalf ; and for their more ready expedition to be had therein ; it is therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every every person spiritual person of this realm, hereafter to be named, presented, archbishop-" or postulated, to any archbishoprick or bishoprick of this realm, {j^s^oprick, shall and may lawfully pay for the wi^iting and obtaining of his f^* g^'^'J?', ^'" or their said bulls, at the court of Rome, and ensealing the same with lead, to be had without payment of any Annates, or first- fruits, or other charge or exaction by him or them to be made, yielded, or paid for the same, five pounds Sterling, for and after the rate of the clear and whole yearly value of every hundred hundred that the promotion is of c'ear j-early value.