Page:Church and State under the Tudors.djvu/364

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The name of a bishop newly

chosen, ^az. a lord elect.

The King's signification of a bishop or arch- bisliop elect.

celerity invest and consecrate the person nominate and presented by the King's highness, his heirs or successors, to the office and dignity that such person shall be so presented unto, and give and use to him pall, and all other benedictions, ceremonies and things requisite for the same, without suing, procuring or obtaining hereafter any bulls or other things at the see of Rome, for any such office or dignity in any behalf. (2) And if the said dean and chapiter, or prior and convent, after such licence and letters missive to them directed, within the said twelve days do elect and choose the said person mentioned in the said letters missive, according to the request of the King's highness, his heirs or suc- cessors, thereof to be made by the said letters missive in that behalf, then their election shall stand good and effectual to all intents ; (3) and that the person so elected, after certification made of the same election under the common and covent seal of the electors, to the King's highness, his heirs or successors, shall be reputed and taken by the name of lord elected of the said dignity and office that he shall be elected unto ; (4) and then making such oath and fealty only to the King's majesty, his lieirs and successors, as shall be appointed for the same, the King's highness, by his letters patents under his great seal, shall signify the said election, if it be to the dignity of a bishop, to the arch- bishop and metropolitan of the proA^nce where the see of the said bishoprick was void, if the see of the said archbishop be full and not void ; and if it be void, then to any other archbishop within this realm, or in any other the King's dominions ; requiring and commanding such archbishop, to whom any such signification shall be made, to confirm the said election, and to invest and consecrate the said person so elected to the office and dignity that he is elected unto, and to give and use to him all such benedic- tions, ceremonies, and other things requisite for the same, without any suing, procuring or obtaining any bulls, letters or other things from the see of Rome for the same in any behalf. (5) And if the person be elected to the office and dignity of an arch- bishop, according to the tenor of this act, then after such election certified to the King's highness in form aforesaid, the same person so elected to the office and dignity of an archbishop, shall be reputed and taken lord elect to the said office and dignity of an archbishop, whereunto he shall be so elected ; (6) and then after he hath made such oath and fealty only to the King's majesty, his heirs and successors, as shall be limited for the same, the King's highness, by his letters patents under his great seal, shall signify the said election to one archbishop and two other Insliops, or else