Page:Church and State under the Tudors.djvu/457

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39 Paternoster Row, London, E.C. September 1890. Catalogue of 'g^oo^fes PUBLISHED BY lESSRS. lOI&lAIS, GREEI, & CO. ABBEY and 0V£ 7? TO IV. —The English Church in the Eigh- teenth Century. By Charles J. Abbey and John H. Overton. Cr. 8vo, ABBOTT (T. ^)— Works by. The Elements of Logic. i2mo.3J-. Elementary Theory of the Tides: the Fundamental Theories demonstrated without Mathematics. Crown 8vo. 2s. ACTON.— Modern Cookery for Private Families. By eliza Acton. With 1 50 Woodcuts. Fcp. 8vo. 4s. 6d. A. K. H. B. — The Essays and Con- tributions of. Cr. 8vo. Autumn Holidays ofa Country Parson, "^^s.dd. Changed Aspects of Unchanged Truths, Zs. 6(t Commonplace Philosopher, 3^-. 6d. Counsel and Comfort from a City Pulpit, 3J. 6d. Critical Essays of a Country Parson, 35, 6d. East Coast Days and Memories. 3^-. 6d. Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. Three Series, 3^. 6d. each. Landscapes, Churches, and Moralities, 3^. 6d. Leisure Hours in Town, 35. 6d. Lessons of Middle Age, 35. 6d. Our Little Life. Two Series, 3^. 6d. each. Our Homely Comedy and Tragedy, 35. 6d. Present Day Thoughts, 3^. 6d, Recreations of a Country Parson. Three Series, 3^. 6d. each. Seaside Musings, 3^. 6d. Sunday Afternoons in the Parish Church of a Scottish University City, y. 6d. •To Meet the Day' through the Christian Year : being a Text of Scripture, with an Original Meditation and a Short Selection in Verse for Every Day, 4^. 6d. ALLEN.— Force and Energy: a Theory of Dynamics. By Grant Allen. 8vo. 7j. (id. American Whist, Illustrated : containing the Laws and Principles of the Game, the Analysis of the New Play and American Leads, and a Series of Hands in Diagram, and combining Whist Universal and American Whist. By G. W. P. Fcp. Svo. 6s. 6d AMOS.—h Primer of the English Constitution andGovernment. By Sheldon Amos. Crown Svo. 6s. ANSTE K— TheBlack Poodle,and other Stories. By F. Anstey, Author of 'Vice Versa.' Cr.Svo. 7.s. bds. ; 2s. 6d. cl. ARISTOTLE.— The Works of. The Politics, G. Bekker's Greek Text of Books L HL IV. (VH.) with an English Translation by W. E. BOLLAND, M.A. ; and short Introductory Essays by A. Lang, M. A. Cr. 8 vo. 7^. 6d. The Politics : Introductory Essays. By Andrew Lang. (From Bolland and Lang's ' Politics. ') Crown Svo. 2s. 6d. The Ethics ; Greek Text, illustrated with Essays and Notes. By Sir Alexan- der Grant, Bart. M.A. LL.D. 2 vols. Svo. 32J, The Nicomachean Ethics, Newly Translated into English. By Robert Williams, Barrister-at-Law. Crown Svo. 7^-. 6d. ARMSTRONG {G. i^)— Works by. Poems : Lyrical and Dramatic. Fcp. Svo. 6s. King Saul. (The Tragedy of Israel, Part I.) Fcp. Svo. 5^. King David. (The Tragedy of Israel, Part II.) Fcp. Svo. 6s. King Solomon. (The Tragedy of Israel, Part III.) Fcp. Svo. 6s. Ugone : A Tragedy. Fcp. Svo. 6s. [^Continued on next page.