the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, in regard to any Matter or Thing contained in this Act, shall be and shall be deemed and taken to be as follows ; (that is to say), from a Point to the Westward of Seaford, in the County of Sussex, called Red Cliff, including the same ; thence passing in a Line One Mile without the Sand or Shoal called The Horse of Willingdon, and continuing the same Distance without the Ridge and new Shoals ; and thence in a Line within Five Miles of Cape Grisnez on the Coast of France ; thence round the Shoal called The Overfalls, Two Miles distant from the same thence in a Line without, and the same Distance along the Eastern, Side of the Galloper Sand, until the North End thereof bears West-north-west true Bearing from the West-north-west Bearing of the Galloper, it runs in a direct Line across the Shoal called The Thwart Middle, till it reaches the Shore underneath the Maze Tower; from thence. following in a Line of the Shore up to Saint Orsyth, in, the County of Essex, and following the Course of the Shore up to the River Coln to the Landing-place nearest Brightlingsea; from thence in, a, direct Line to Shoe Bacon; from thence to the Point of Shellness, on the Isle of Sheppey; and, from thence across the, Waters to Feversham; and from thence following the Line of Coast round the North and South Forelands, and Beachy Head, till it reaches the said Red Cliff, including all the Waters, Creeks, and Havens comprehended between them : Provided always, and it is hereby declared, that nothing in this Act contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to enlarge or abridge the Local Limits of the ancient Jurisdiction, Rights, and Privileges of the Lord High Admiral of England, or the Lord Warden or Admiral of the Cinque Ports respectively, or their respective Representatives ; but that the same shall remain according to ancient Usage, and that the Description herein-before contained shall only be deemed applicable to the Purposes of this Act ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
Forthebetter Adjustment and Payment of Salvage under 12 Ann.c.18XIX. And whereas it is expedient that the like Means of conclusively adjusting and recovering the Quantum of the Monies or Gratuities to be paid to the several Persons acting or being employed in the Salvage of any Ship, Vessel, or Goods, should subsist and be by Law applicable in Cases where the Salvors shall have acted under and by the mere Employment and Authority of the Commander or other Superior Officer, Mariners, or Owners of any Ship or Vessel in Distress, as are now by Law provided for adjusting the Quantum of such Monies or Gratuities which shall have become due in Cases where Application shall have been first made to Officers of the Customs, or other the Officer or Officers in that Behalf named, and appointed in and by a certain Statute made in the Twelfth Year, of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lady Queen Anne intituled An Act for preserving of all such Ships and Goods thereof which shall happen to be forced on Shore or stranded upon the Coasts of this Kingdom; or any other of Her Majesty's Dominions , and where Assistance shall have been thereupon rendered in pursuance of the Provisions, of that Statute ; be it therefore enacted and. declared, That all and every, the Means which, in virtue of the Statute, last mentioned, subsist,: and may now be by, Law, applied for ;the conclusively adjusting,and for the recovering of the Quantum of the Monies or Gratui-ties