Page:Civil Air Regulations - Part 40 (amended 1946).pdf/3

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As amended to July 10, 1946

For sale. by the Superintendent of Documents. U. 5. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. - - Price 10 cents.


40.0 Provision for issuance.
40.1 General minimum requirements.
40.10 Economic strength.
40.11 Route.
40.12 Aircraft.
40.13 Airmen.
40.14 Operations manual.
40.15 Maintenance manual.
40.16 Schedules.
40.2 Passenger minimum requirements.
40.20 Route requirements: Visual-contact day operation.
40.21 Route requirements: Visual-contact night operation.
40.22 Route requirements: Instrument or over-the-top operation.
40.23 Aircraft requirements: Visual-contact day operation.
40.24 Aircraft requirements: Visual-contact night operation.
40.25 Aircraft requirements: Instrument or over-the-top operation.
40.26 Airmen requirements: Visual-contact day operation.
40.27 Airmen requirements: Visual-contact night operation.
40.28 Airmen requirements: Instrument or over-the-top operation.
40.29 Miscellaneous requirements.
40.3 Goods minimum requirements.
40.30 Route requirements: Visual-contact day operation.
40.31 Route requirements: Visual-contact night operation.
40.32 Route requirements: Instrument or over-the-top operation.
40.33 Aircraft requirements: Visual-contact day operation.
40.34 Aircraft requirements:Visual-contact night operation.
40.35 Aircraft requirements: Instrument or over-the-top operation.
40.36 Airmen requirements: Visual-contact day operation.
40.37 Airmen requirements: Visual-contact night operation.
40.38 Airmen requirements: Instrument or over-the-top operation.
40.39 Miscellaneous requirements.
40.4 Air carrier operating certificate.
40.40 Application for and issuance of air carrier operating certificate.
40.41 Display.
40.42 Duration.
40.43 Surrender.
40.44 Nontransferability.
40.45 Inspection.
40.46 Amendment.

40.0 Provision for issuance. Pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended, empowering the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics to issue air carrier operating certificates and the Board to establish minimum safety standards for the operation of the air carrier to whom any such certificate is issued, the following regulations are prescribed for such certification of scheduled air carriers engaged in interstate air transportation within the continental limits of the United States as to their competency.

40.1 General minimum requirements. To be eligible for an air carrier operating certificate, an applicant shall meet and comply with the following general minimum requirements.

40.10 Economic strength. Applicant shall show economic and financial strength sufficient to establish a presumption of ability to operate the air carrier with reasonable safety as related to the service offered, for a period of at least 1 year.

40.11 Route. Applicant shall show that the route over which it proposes to operate is or prior to operation will be, equipped with such navigational facilities (including terminal and intermediate airports, emergency landing fields, and ground aids to air navigation) as are determined by the Administrator to be necessary for safe operation as related to the service offered.

40.110 Definition of route. A route is that portion of the navigable airspace designated by the Administrator which is to be used by the air carrier in scheduled air transportation.

40.12 Aircraft. Applicant shall show certificated aircraft of a model and number found by the Administrator to be adequate for safe operation as related to the service offered, the route traversed, and the operating and maintenance procedures and techniques proposed. (See also § 40.2.)

40.13 Airmen. Applicant shall show certificated airmen (including both flight and ground personnel) of kind, grade, and number deemed by the Administrator to be necessary