Page:Civil War The 42nd Infantry Division of Bedford County Virginia.djvu/28

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General Meade's troops lay idle for the next three weeks then on the 29th of November he sent two corps; General Sedgwick's and General Warren's, across the Rapidan on pontoon bridges as the water was too high to ford. They fell upon General Ewell's troops and a furious fight took place, but General Hill came to the rescue of General Ewell and they stopped the Federal advance.

Winter was comming on and any sudden storm would prevent General Meade's troops from getting supplies so he withdrew his army to its former positions.

So ended the campaign of 1863 in Virginia as both armies retired to winter quarters to await the opening of spring.

The 42nd was with General Lee on these movements back and forth across northern Virginia under the command of General Ewell and was hit hard at Mine Run on the 29th of November.