Page:Civil War The 42nd Infantry Division of Bedford County Virginia.djvu/6

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I have visited most of these battlefields to walk over the same gound that was fought on to get a better idea of how the battle was fought and what the objective of each side was. I have taken pictures of where the fighting was the most furious to compare them with the collection I have taken by two great artist-photographers of the Civil War, Mr. Alexander Gardner and Mr. Matthew Brady.

I have no way to prove that grandfather was at all of these places, but his outfit, the 42nd. Virginia Infantry was there; this I have proof. Being an ex-soldier myself, World War II, I know that my outfit was involved in five battles in Italy and I took part in each of those, so for the time being we will assume he was with his company.

I have listed each battle that I can find the 42nd. involved in, place and date of that battle, the commanding officers, the objective of his division, if known and the number of men killed, wounded or missing. These figures will be for the whole C.S.A. Army not the 42nd. Division.