very reasons which created the poetry of the land, also confined its themes to religion. While poetry and religion thus grow up in condition of reciprocal engraftment, the fact is noteworthy that many a poet there has been who in all likelihood thought he was simply developing his religious ideas, when in fact he was unconsiously singing out the poetry of his heart. And wbether he was singing in the service of the temple or of his philosophy, he oftentimes upra- velled the mysteries from within the depths of his own hoart, or reflected what was felt by his family and friends. Thus have the poets of Gujarat seldom sing about mountains and meadowlands or about patriotism and war. They have neither seen nor praised any living kings and courtiers, for they have never been in touch with them. Industrious and peaceful, they were usually a home-keeping people with homely wits. They generally knew no more; but this much is certain that they were conscious of the intense charm and beauty that spread a network of magic over their little homes and dear families. And though they knew no more, that which they know and felt was turned to excellent account in their poems. He who would understand a clas- sical poet of Gujarat must start upon this ground alone and none else. He must take it as his axiom that his poet is addressing his own surroundings and not the literary and refined world where European and Sanskrit