with them all and percolates und permeates into their hearts and? becomes visible by the play. This one Being “ plays through the vastness ‘of the sky,” and “for ages speaks one voice through it.” This Sachidanand is playing the plays of joy” and, con- tinues the poet in a language that unconsciously, rises to the sublimity of the Upanishads, ‘‘rocks himself in the golden cradle.” He is a“ lamp that lights itself without wick oroil.” The saintly Bhaktas alone are able to “catch this all-pervading Eternal One in the. net-work of their love.” This oneis Krishna, and these Bhaktas—saints whether males or females to our human vision, are the frail loving forms—the Gopis—women who for love leave their wordly homes and belongings and. madly run into the solitary forest in ‘quest of thisbeloved ‘One, whose sweet Morli (flute) whistles through the whole universe which is the Vraj forest. “Sri Krishna is playing ever-renewing sports in the beautiful groves of this forest.” This One Lord of such favoured mistress- es ‘is far away from the reach of ascetic practices of tormenting the body and of ceremonies and rituals,” and is approachable only by the strong love of Bhakti; but, He will not allow himself to be approached by any other means—be that means the killing of your body. When the saints eager for him do not. find him, theirs becomes the condition which we call “the pangs of separation,” for, “ without getting the One Substance” itself, ‘ appe-