gion chose to start in its place a distinction, as the only one possible, between Hari and his Gopis—his favoured mistresses, ignorant little souls, whose only oblation was heartfelt love to Hari without any consciousness of his nature and greatness in other respects. Hari is invisibly present in the forest near the haunts of worldlings, and’ hidden within the foliage of some dark tree in that dark solitude. Hari whose body is dark in symphony with the things that keep him shrouded in a viel of mystery,. sweetly whistles and by the magic of his notes draws these his favourite women from the distant village, to- give up the enthralling passions and cravings to which: they are wedded as to husbands. These women steal away from company of these husbands, and run in wild Bhakti to Hari. In the solitude of this forest and in the dead of night the one Hari turns himself into as many Haris as. there are women. Hari is with every heart, and the sweet and all-absorbing dance of Love and Bhakti proceeds,. and all become one with Hari. This is the Ras of the Human Heart with Hari, and the poet is ravished with the Ras Lil&, and is born to describe it to the world. How did he get at it ? Why, the poet, like all men, is a woman to whom, in the hour of night, Hari came slowly and gently, bound her by some mysterious spell, stole away her heart, and she was awakened to find herself in his sweet presence. She got thereby all that could be desired in this world, and she gave up her domestic: