Gujarati literature of a high and liberal character, and his idea will best be understood by the works of his leading, followers. For instance, he entrusted his son Vallabh with the work of writing original poems in Gujarati on the models of the great poems in the Hindi language, and of ‘the bardic poems written for the Rajput princes of old in their peculiar dialect. To Ratneshvar he allotted philosophical poems. It is said that Ratneshvar was asked to copy Marathi poets, but neither the power nor the poetry of that race had begun its life about this time. In fact Ratneshvar began with Sanskrit models, Preminand himself tried his hand on drama and poetry, and his plays have an originality - about’ them making naive departures from the grooves of Sanskrit dramatic science in favour of his’ owh vernacular sentiments, and yet showing no li- beral spirit against Sanskrit charms. He had laid out a varied and léberal programme of poetical works to be executed by various hands. The programme was carried out by many able and enthusiastic men, and for the great discoveries of their works the public is immensely indebted to the enlightened. administration of His High- ness the Gaekwar and his present Diwan. Rich mines have been opened to us by their efforts, and the works of Premanand’s pupils show very great industry and ability. If they were not-well known till now, it was because. they were totally eclipsed by the dazzling