makes them bear with the flame of his sentiments, and there is a subtle naivete’ in everything that comes out from him. He, too, no doubt, philosophises and rises to the beautiful and sublime of the Bhakti Marga with equat power, but he is also an open advocate of Vallabh at. times, and even the greatest master of advocacy needs. must fail in a hopeless cause.
Nature, however, is always pregnant with reaction- ary movements; and if during the period under conside- ration there were numerous poets of this epicurean faith, the shades of stoicism did not remain dormant, while even the worship of Vishnu without a Vallabh was gain- ing force at Dakor and breathing the Bhakti of the older poets. The shrewd and clever-constructors of the Swami- Narayan sect, the peaceful and virtuous adorers of the
“defied and noble hero of the Ramayana, the fanatic worshippers of the ascetic God Siva, the devotees of the mother goddess who got herself enshrined at some mysterious hours in the plains of Chunwal, and on the pinnacles of the romantic Pavigudh near the ruins of Chémpaner, and of the Arasur in the neighbourhood of the Aboo which had been appropriated for the Jain temples ; and finally even the surviving gentle Jains who had mustered thick on the peaks of the Aboo and the Satrunjaya from remoter times ; these and several other creeds grew up, like monsoon grass, from within and without the province, spread a vast net-work of temples