After a lapse of twenty-one years, a literary publication in the form of a detailed historical survey under the title of "Milestones in Gujarati Literature" by Mr. K. M. JHAVERI, M.A., LL.B., Judge, Small Causes Court, Bombay has been laid before the public two years before in 1914. But from the repeated demands of the literary public of Gujaratcduring the long period of its being out of print, we have been able to judge that this small work has its own importance and value still unaffected.
Of course Gujarati Literature has developed much within these few years and we would have gladly got new things incorporated into this work but to do justice to and out of reverence for the author, we have reprinted this small book without any additions as the authentic work of its great author.
It with the growing popularity of the works of the author of this book, this book also receives a ready response, we shall feel encouraged to to give in the near future to the public other important works, that lie unpublished as yet.
Bombay. |