Charms 45
One man gifted with this water-finding power is a minister. It is his idea that this is not a special gift, but that all of us have it. He once followed back an underground watercourse to where another watercourse branched away from it. Here a well was dug that gave a most plenteous and never-failing supply of water. He said that by careful calculation a person could determine how deep the water lay. For instance, notice the inclination of the crotch and the spot where the pull of the water first asserts itself. Then discover the spot that brings you right over it. A calculation can be made from the angle and the distance from the place where the pull was first felt that will show just how much digging is necessary.
A water-finder who uses an elm crotch says any one can find water in this way who has warm hands. This man was something of a professional, and his charge was three dollars for each time he was employed.
He says he has never failed but once in his water searching, and that was when the man didn’t dig where he told him to.