64 Odds
sure to dress your right foot first. If you don’t, you will meet with a disappointment that day.
When a girl asked her mother on which side she should make the buttonholes in a garment she was making, the mother would respond, “Always make them on the left side. Remember this, that you don’t want to be on the buttonhole side of heaven, and you won't have to ask again.” This refers to the parable wherein the goats were divided from the sheep, and went to the left of the throne.
In haying time, if you can “step your shadow,” it is noon. This means that you must be able to step on the shadow of your head. You cannot do this in northern countries except on summer noons when shadows are short.
Step over the graves in the cemetery er go around them. If you walk on them, woe will come to you in some form.
If you eat crumbs ‘twill make you wise,
If you leave the crust
You’re sure to bust.
This is schoolboy poetry recited to a mate who, in eating his lunch, throws away the crust.