82 Medicinal
tant point is not that the head is to the north, but that the electric pole is in that direction.
Some people prefer to sleep with the head to the east. It is in that direction that the earth turns, and they think it healthier to be projected through space head first.
Wear a tarred string around your neck to keep you from taking contagious diseases.
If you want to go to sleep and can’t, just imagine two hundred sheep going through some bars one at a time. Count ’em up slow, and it will put you to sleep sure before you get to the last one. It takes your mind, you see.
Trim your finger-nails on Friday, and you will not have the toothache for a week.
Eat pudding and milk, and it will make your hair curl, If it suits your taste better, you can eat crusts of bread; for that, too, will make your hair curl.
You can stop another person’s bleeding by touching the cut, bruise, or whatever it is, with your finger, and saying, “I bequeath thee not to bleed, not to fester, not to canker, nor to swell, but to heal. In the name of God, amen.”