Page:Clutha, wi' truest love I love thee, Jean.pdf/4

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Or why I love I winna tell,
My bonnie black e'ed lassie O.
Its no thy cheek o‘ rosy hue,
Its no thy little cherry mou;
lt‘s a because thy heart's sae true,
My bonnie black-e‘ed lassie O.

It's no the witch glance o‘ thy ee,
Tho' few for that surpass ye O,
That mak's ye aye sae dear to me,
My bonnie black-e ed lassie O.
It‘s no the whiteness o‘ thy skin,
lt‘s no love's dimple on thy chin—
It's a' thy modest worth within,
My bonnie black-e‘ed lassie O.

Ye smile sae sweet, yerlook sae kind,
That a‘ wish to caress ye O;
But I adore your heavenly mind,
My bonnie black-e'ed lassie O.
I 've seen thy een, like crystal clear,
Shine dimly thro' saft pity's tear,
Which makes you ever, ever dear
To me, my black-e'ed lassie.