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but for your drowning gang nae farther down but fouk that's marry'd can put their h(illegible text) to ony part they like.
Sawny. Aha, but mither, I dinna ken first word o'courting, the lassie 'ill no l(illegible text) what am com'd about.
Mith. Ay will she lad, wink and k(illegible text) well to her, she'll hae a guess; seek a qu(illegible text) word o'her at the door; an' gin it be da(illegible text) gi'e her a wee bit kiss when ye've tell'd (illegible text) your errand; an' gin they gi'e you che(illegible text) and bread, or ony meat, ca't good, whet(illegible text) it be sae or no; and for my blessing be me fu' wi' your mouth, an' dinna eat o'er muck for I seen you sip as mony milk brose as w(illegible text) r sar't twa men to carry on a barrow.
Sawny. A but mither, ye're liein' no(illegible text) or it was na' a' at ance than: but an' th(illegible text) set meat before me, an' I be hungry, a sha(illegible text) claw the clungest an' I be nae upsides w(illegible text) for that same. A faith, mither, fouks m(illegible text) hae meat an' they sud ne'er get wives, the(illegible text) sume o' them no worth the cursing, an(illegible text)body were na letting an oath whether or (illegible text) hoar ye that now, when ye pit me till an' gar me speak; ay, by my sooth, I w(illegible text) rather hae a bit good powny an' a punch cheese, or I were bun to bab after ony hiss(illegible text) buttocks I see yet.