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Page:Code Swaraj - Carl Malamud - Sam Pitroda.djvu/218

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CODE SWARAJ is the story of a modern-day campaign of civil resistance which takes inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi and his campaigns of satyagraha that changed the nature of how our governments interact with their citizens. In their quest for universal access to knowledge, democratizing information, and decolonizing knowledge, Malamud and Pitroda apply those Gandhian values to our modern times and lay out a compelling agenda for change for India and the world.

DR. SAM PITRODA was advisor to two Prime Ministers of India, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi and Dr. Manmohan Singh, with the rank of a cabinet minister and is widely credited for having led India's telecommunications revolution in the 1980s. Sam holds 20 honorary PhDs, close to 100 worldwide patents, and helped create the first digital PBXs in the 1960s. He is also a serial entrepreneur who built several technology companies in the US.

CARL MALAMUD started the first radio station on the Internet and is considered one of the pioneers of the modern U.S. open government movement. Carl runs Public.Resource.Org, a nonprofit organization which has placed hundreds of millions of pages of government information online for free and unrestricted use, including all 19,000 Indian Standards. He is the author of eight previous books.


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ISBN 9781892628046 90000 >

9 781892 628046