Page:Code of Gentoo Laws (1776, codeofgentoolaws00halh, Halhed).djvu/480

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( 322 )

thereof, he may be reſtrained from the Commiſſion of ſuch Crimes a Second Time.

After being acquainted with the Fines ſtated for each particular Species of Theft, as mentioned in the Chapter of Theft, if a Sooder commits a Robbery, he ſhall pay Eight Times as much; if a Bice, he ſhall pay Sixteen Times as much; if a Chehteree, he ſhall pay a Fine of Thirty-two Times as much; if he be a Bramin, he ſhall pay Sixty-four Times as much; if he be a Bramin of extenſive Knowledge, he ſhall pay One Hundred Times as much; if he be a Man of the greateſt Rank, he ſhall be fined One Hundred and Twenty Times as much.

According to the Ordinations delivered in this Pootee, or Compilation, the Magiſtrate ſhall adminiſter Juſtice; if any Matter ſhould come before him, which is not included herein, he ſhall conſider the Scope of this Pootee, and judge accordingly, and fine proportionably; and in ſuch Caſes where the Fine is not particularly ſpecified, he ſhall inveſtigate the Affair, and take a Fine.