gold standard was the proper thing. They had only studied one side of the question. They had become firm in their opinions, and had worked up memorials to Congress against the free coinage of silver.
They had not based these opinions on the necessity of international bimetallism, but upon the theory that a gold standard is the best financial system for the United States to adopt.
Now, having met for the first time some one who knew the science of money, they were surprised. That it should come from the lips of a boy they were more surprised. Instead of scoffing at him, and confusing him, they had listened and been compelled to give assent to his plain and unanswerable views.
Their hope now laid in preventing him from showing that the demonetization of silver was the cause of low prices—stagnation in business, and the deranged industrial condition of the country. That we have been compelled to adopt a financial system forced upon us by Europe.