The Fourth Day.
The comments of the morning papers on the third day's session of the school on the whole were favorable. The published accounts had been full and substantially correct, and the Times and Inter Ocean reproduced the illustrations that had been used.
In this way the proceedings of the school had been laid before thousands of readers, whose interest had been aroused, and long before 10 o'clock the hall was crowded, and standing room could not be had.
The Inter Ocean in an editorial had commented on the tilt between Coin and Mr. Walsh, the president of the Chicago National Bank, and claimed that Coin had floored the great financier, in his answer to Mr. Walsh's proposition, that the government could not by legislation add to the commercial value of a commodity.
The Times pronounced the statements of Coin unanswerable; and said that interested parties had purposely kicked up a dust about silver, obscured and misrepresented the facts, and when confronted were unable to make good their statements, or answer the arguments of the bimetallists.
All who had been there on the previous days and who came early enough to get in were there, and many new faces could be seen in the audience.