Page:Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology (1916).djvu/11

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On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena
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Difficulty of demarcation in border-line cases between epilepsy, hysteria, and mental deficiency—Somnambulism an hysterical manifestation—A case of spontaneous somnambulism, with some characters of protracted hysterical delirium—Other cases quoted—Charcot’s classification of somnambulism—Naefs and Azam’s cases of periodic amnesia—Proust’s and Boileau’s wandering-impulse cases—William James’ case of Rev. Ansel Bourne—Other examples showing changes in consciousness—Hypnagogic hallucinations—Neurasthenic mental deficiency, Bleuler’s case—Summing up of Miss Elsie K.’s case—Need of further scientific investigation in the field of psychological peculiarities.
Case of Somnambulism in a Person with Neuropathic Inheritance (Spiritualistic Medium)
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History of case—Accidental discovery of her mediumistic powers—Her somnambulic attacks, “attitudes passionelles,” catalepsy, tachypnœa, trance speeches, etc.—Ecstasies—Her conviction of the reality of her visions—Her dreams, hypnagogic and hypnopompic visions—The elevation of her somnambulic character—Mental thought transference—S. W.’s double life—Psychographic communications—Description of séances—The Prophetess of Prevorst—Automatic writing—The two grandfathers—Appearance of other somnambulic personalities.
Development of the Somnambulic Personalities
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The psychograph and spiritualistic wonders—The grandfather the medium’s “guide” or “control”—Ulrich von Gerbenstein—The somnambulic personalities have access to the medium’s memory—Ivenes—S. W.’s amnesia for her ecstasies—Later séances—Her journeys on the other side—Oracular sayings—Conventi—Ivenes’ dignity and superiority to her “guides”—Her previous incarnations—Her race-motherhood.