Page:Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology (1916).djvu/58

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the spirits influencing them. It fared thus with all who made S. W.’s acquaintance: they were valued at a second or first incarnation, according as they possessed a marked or indefinite character. They were generally described as relatives, and always exactly in the same definite way. Only subsequently, often several weeks later, after an ecstasy, there would make its appearance a new complicated romance which explained the striking relationship through pre-existences or through illegitimate relations. Persons sympathetic to S. W. were usually very near relatives. These family romances were all very carefully made up, with the exception of those mentioned, so that to contradict them was impossible. They were always carried out with quite bewildering certainty, and surprised one by an extremely clever valuation of certain details which she had noticed or taken from somewhere. For the most part the romances had a ghastly character, murder by poison and dagger, seduction and divorce, forgery of wills, played the chief rôle.

Mystic Science.—In reference to scientific questions S. W. put forward numerous suggestions. Generally towards the end of the séances there was talk and debate about various objects of scientific and spiritistic nature. S. W. never took part in the discussion, but generally sat dreamily in a corner in a semi-somnambulic state. She listened to one and another, taking hold of the talk in a half-dream, but she could never relate anything connectedly; if asked about it only partial explanations were given. In the course of the winter hints emerged in various séances: “The spirits taught her about the world-forces, and the strange revelations from the other side, yet she could not tell anything now.” Once she tried to give a description, but only said: “On one side was the light, on the other the power of attraction.” Finally, in March, 1900, when for some time nothing had been heard of these things at the stances, she announced suddenly with a joyful face that she had now received everything from the spirits. She drew out a long narrow strip of paper upon which were numerous names.