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Page:Collected Physical Papers.djvu/91

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In my paper "On the Polarisation of Electric Rays by Double-refracting Crystals" and in a subsequent paper "On a New Electro-Polariscope", I have given accounts of the polarising property of various substances. Amongst the most efficient polarisers may be mentioned nemalite and chrysotile. Nemalite is a fibrous variety of brucite. In its chemical composition it is a hydrate of magnesia, with a small quantity of protoxide of iron and carbonic acid. This substance is found to strongly absorb electric vibrations parallel to its length, and transmit those that are perpendicular to the length. I shall distinguish the two directions as the directions of absorption and transmission. Chrysotile is a fibrous variety of serpentine. In chemical composition it is a hydrous silicate of magnesia. Like nemalite, it also exhibits selective absorption, though not to the same extent. The transmitted vibrations are perpendicular, and those absorbed parallel to the length. Different varieties of these substances exhibit the above property to a greater or less extent. I have recently obtained a specimen of chrysotile with a thickness of only 2·5 cm.; this piece completely polarises the transmitted electric ray by selective absorption.

The action of these substances on the electric ray is thus similar to that of tourmaline on light. It may be mentioned here that I found tourmaline to be an ineffi-
