Page:Collection of Sacred Hymns.djvu/8

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5It's my free will for to believe:
'Tis God's free will me to receive:
To stubborn willers this I'll tell,
It's all free grace, and all free will.

6Those that despise, grow harder still;
Those that adhere, he turns their will:
And thus despisers sink to hell,
While those that hear in glory dwell.

7But if we take the downward road,
And make in hell our last abode:
Our God is clear, and we shall know,
We've plunged ourselves in endless wo.

HYMN 2. C. M.

1Let ev'ry mortal ear attend.
And ev'ry heart rejoice:
The trumpet of the gospel sounds
With an inviting voice.

2Ho! all ye hungry, starving souls,
That feed upon the wind,
And vainly strive with earthly toys
To fill an empty mind;

3The blessed Savior hath prepar'd

A soul-reviving feast,