Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 03.djvu/503

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DUBANT 441 DUREB contributed many articles on economical and political subjects to economic jour- nals. From 1917 he was assistant head of the Meat Division of the United States Food Administration, at Chicago. DUB A NT, HENBY FOWLE, an American philanthropist; born in Han- over, N. H., Feb. 20, 1822. He was graduated from Harvard in 1842 and be- came a lawyer, changing his name from Henry Welles Smith to H. F. Durant. He practiced with great success at the bar, but on the death of his only son abandoned his profession and devoted his energies to philanthropy. He founded Wellesley College (opened in 1875), and was successful as a lay preacher. He died in Wellesley, Mass., Oct. 3, 1881. DUBAZZO (do-rat'so), a port of Albania, built on the rocky peninsula of Pelu, in the Adriatic, 50 miles S. of Scutari. It is a decayed place with a ruined citadel; but the harbor is the most important of middle Albania. Du- razzo is the ancient Epidamnos, founded about 625 B. C. by Corcyraeans and Co- rinthians. It became a great and popu- lous city, but was much harassed by the party strifes, which ultimately led to the Peloponnesian War. Under the Romans it was called Dyrrachium (whence its modern name), and became the principal landing-place for those sailing from Brundusium in Italy to Greece; and the great military road to the Hellespont began here. The town was captured by the Austrians Feb. 28, 1916. June 3, 1917, the Italians set up a provisional government here. Pop. about 5,000. DUBBAN, the seaport of the colony of Natal, south Africa: on the N. shore of a nearly land-locked tidal bay. The climate, though hot in one or two sum- mer months, is healthy and suitable for Europeans. The town was laid out by the Dutch, who formed a republic in Natal before the British, under Sir Ben- jamin D'Urban, took the colony in 1842. The public buildings include a capacious town hall, museum, library, etc. The Town Gardens form a conspicuous open space in the middle of the town, and be- sides the Botanical Gardens, there are two public parks. The residences of the inhabitants are chiefly situated on the Berea, a low range of hills overlooking the town. The port, which has a light- house, is the entrepot for coal from sev- eral interior parts of the colony. Great h'arbor works (1888-1895) have made the inner harbor (4,700 acres) accessible at all times to vessels of deep draught. During the war against the Boers in 1899-1900 the British made Durban a base of supplies. Fop. (1918) 48,413. DUBEB, ALBEBT, a German painter, designei', sculptor, and engraver on wood and metal; born in Niirnberg in 1471. His father was a skillful goldsmith of Hungary. In 1486 he left his father's trade and became an apprentice of Michael Wohlgemuth, then the best painter in Niirnberg. At Niirnberg he married the daughter of Hans Frey, a mechanic, who has been falsely accused for centuries of embittering his life and bringing him to his grave. In 1505 he went to Venice to improve himself in his art. He painted the "Martyrdom of Bartholomew" for St. Mark's Church, which painting was purchased by the Emperor Rudolph and removed to Prague. He also traveled to Bologna, to improve his knowledge of perspective. On his return to Niirnberg his fame spread far and wide. Maximilian I. ap- pointed him his court painter, and Charles V. confirmed him in this office. He was the first in Germany who taught the rules of perspective, and of the pro- ALBERT DURER portions of the human figure. He not only made use of the burin, like his pred- ecessors, but was also among the first to practice etching. He invented the method of printing woodcuts with two colors. Among his masterpieces in paint- ing are a "Crucifixion," "Adam and Eve," an "Adoration of the Magi," the "Adoration of the Trinity," in the Bel- vedere Gallery, Vienna; and portraits of Raphael, Erasmus, and Melanchthon, who were his friends. Among his best engravings on copper are his Fortune," "Melancholy," "Adam and Eve in Para- dise," "St. Hubert," "St. Jerome," and the "Smaller Passion" (so called), in 16 plates. Among his best engravings on wood are the "Greater Passion" (so called), in 13 plates; the "Smaller Pas- sion," with the frontispiece, 37 pieces;